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To broaden their voting appeal in the Presidential election of 1796, the Federalists selec

ted Thomas Pinckney, a leading South Carolinian, as running mate for the New Englander John Adams. But Pinckney's Southern friends chose to ignore their party's intentions and regarded Pinckney as a Presidential candidate, creating a political situation that Alexander Hamilton was determined to exploit. Hamilton had long been wary of Adams' stubbornly independent brand of politics and preferred to see his running mate, over whom he could exert more control, in the President's chair.

The election was held under the system originally established by the Constitution. At that time there was but a single tally, with the candidate receiving the largest number of electoral votes declared President and the candidate with the second largest number declared Vice President. Hamilton anticipated that all the Federalists in the North would vote for Adams and Pinckney equally in an attempt to ensure that Jefferson would not be either first or second in the voting. Pinckney would be solidly supported in the South while Adams would not. Hamilton concluded if it were possible to divert a few electoral votes from Adams to Pinckney, Pinckney would receive more than Adams, yet both Federalists would outpoll Jefferson.

Various methods were used to persuade the electors to vote as Hamilton wished. In the press, anonymous articles were published attacking Adams for his monarchial tendencies and Jefferson for being overly democratic, while pushing Pinckney as the only suitable candidate. In private correspondence with state party leaders the Hamiltonians encouraged the idea that Adams' popularity was slipping, that he could not win the election, and that the Federalists could defeat Jefferson only by supporting Pinckney. Had sectional pride and loyalty not run as high in New England as in the deep South, Pinckney might well have become Washington's successor. New Englanders, however, realized that equal votes for Adams and Pinckney in their states would defeat Adams; therefore, eighteen electors scratched Pinckney's name from their ballots and deliberately threw away their second votes to men who were not even running. It was fortunate for Adams that they did, for the electors from South Carolina completely abandoned him, giving eight votes to Pinckney and eight to Jefferson.

In the end, Hamilton's interference in Pinckney's candidacy lost even the Vice-Presidency of South Carolina. Without New England's support, Pinckney received only 59 electoral votes, finishing third to Adams and Jefferson. He might have been President in 1797, or as Vice President a serious contender for the Presidency in 1800; instead, stigmatized by a plot he had not devised, he served a brief term in the United States Senate and then dropped from sight as a national influence.

The main purpose of the passage is to ______.

A.propose reforms of the procedures for electing the President and Vice-President

B.condemn Alexander Hamilton for interfering in the election of 1796

C.describe the political events that lead to John Adams' victory in the 1796 Presidential election

D.contrast the political philosophy of the Federalists to that of Thomas Jefferson

更多“To broaden their voting appeal in the Presidential election of 1796, the Federalists selec”相关的问题
















She knew very well that failing her exams could _________her whole future.A) jeopardi

She knew very well that failing her exams could _________her whole future.

A) jeopardize






The capital intended to broaden the export base and ______ efficiency gains from internati
onal trade was channeled in stead of uneconomic import substitution.







If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden your view and gain knowledges we cannot get
from books.(改错题)



According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?A.A college studen

According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.A college student can enrich his knowledge and broaden his mind through formal and informal learning.

B.A college education is likely to be a required credential (文凭) for the career a person wants.

C.A college student who doesn't work hard can get nothing out of the courses he takes.

D.A college education tends to have long-range effects on a person's knowledge and values.



Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

Hunting for a job late last year, lawyer Cant Redmon stumbled across CareerBuilder, a job database on the Internet. He searched it with no success but was attracted by the site's "personal search agent". It's an interactive feature that lets visitors key in job criteria such as location, title, and salary, then E-mails them when a matching position is posted in the database. Redmon chose the keywords legal, intellectual property, and Washington, D.C. Three weeks later, he got his first notification of an opening. "I struck gold", says Redmon, who E-mailed his resume to the employer and won a position as in-house counsel for a company.

With thousands of career-related sites on the Internet, finding promising openings can be time-consuming and inefficient. Search agents reduce the need for repeated visits to the databases. But although a search agent worked for Redmon, career experts see drawbacks. Narrowing your criteria, for example, may work against you: "Every time you answer a question you eliminate a possibility", says one expert.

For any job search, you should start with a narrow concept—what you think you want to do—then broaden it. "None of these programs do that", says another expert. "There's no career counseling implicit in all of this". Instead, the best strategy is to use the agent as a kind of tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular database; when you get E-mail, consider it a reminder to check the database again. "I would not rely on agents for finding everything that is added to a database that might interest me", says the author of a job-searching guide.

Some sites design their agents to tempt job hunters to return. When CareerSite's agent sends out messages to those who have signed up for its service, for example, it includes only three potential jobs—those it considers the best matches. There may be more matches in the database; job hunters will have to visit the site again to find them—and they do. "On the day after we send our messages, we see a sharp increase in our traffic", says Seth Peets, vice president of marketing for CareerSite.

Even those who aren't hunting for jobs may find search agents worthwhile. Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise. Al though happily employed, Redmon maintains his agent at CareerBuilder. "You always keep your eyes open", he says. Working with a personal search agent means having another set of eyes looking out for you.

How did Redmon find his job?

A.By searching openings in a job database.

B.By posting a matching position in a database.

C.By using a special service of a database.

D.By E-mailing his resume to a database.



Healthy soda? That may strike some as an oxymoron. But for Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, it's a m
arketing opportunity.

In coming months, both companies will introduce new carbonated drinks that are fortified with vitamins and minerals: Diet Coke Plus and Tava, which is PepsiCo's new offering. They will be promoted as "sparkling beverages". The companies are not tailing them soft drinks because people are turning away from traditional soda, which has been hurt in part by publicity about its link to obesity.

While the soda business remains a $68 billion industry in the United States, consumers are increasingly reaching for bottled water, sparkling juices and green tea drinks. In 2005, the mount of soda sold in this country dropped for the first time in recent history. Even the diet soda business has slowed.

Coca-Cola's chief executive, E. Neville Isdell, clearly frustrated that his industry has been singled out in the obesity debate, insisted at a recent conference that his diet products should be included in the health and wellness category because, with few or no calories, they are a logical answer m expanding waistlines.

"Diet and light brands are actually health and wellness brands", Mr. Isdell said. He asserted that Diet Coke Plus was a way to broaden the category to attract new consumers.

Tom Pirko, president of Bevmark, a food and beverage consulting firm, said it was "a joke" to market artificially sweetened soft drinks as healthy, even if they were fortified with vitamins and minerals. Research by his firm and others shows that consumers think of diet soft drinks as "the antithesis of healthy", he said. These consumers "comment on putting something synthetic and not natural into their bodies when they consume diet colas", Mr. Pirko said. "And in the midst of a health and welfare boom, that ain't good".

The idea of healthy soda is not entirely new. In 2004, Cadbury Schweppes caused a stir when it unveiled 7Up Plus, a low-calorie soda fortified with vitamins and minerals. Last year, Cadbury tried to extend the healthy halo over its regular 7Up brand by labeling it "100 percent natural". But the company changed the label to "100 percent natural flavor" after complaints from a nutrition group that a product containing high-fructose com syrup should not be considered natural, and 7Up Plus has floundered. The new fortified soft drinks earned grudging approval from Michael F. Jacobsen, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. a nutrition advocacy group and frequent critic of regular soft drinks, which it has labeled "liquid candy".

A survey by Morgan Stanley found that only 10 percent of consumers interviewed in 2006 considered diet colas a healthy choice, compared with 14 percent in 2003. Furthermore, 30 percent of the consumers who were interviewed last year said that they were reluctant to drink beverages with artificial sweeteners, up from 21 percent in 2004.

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo call their new drinks "sparkling beverages" instead of "soft drinks" because______.

A.the new name sounds more brilliant and attracts more people

B.the old name reminds people that they may cause people adding weight

C.the new drinks are fortified with vitamins and minerals

D.people are turning away from traditional soda



[ E-Government</strong>] [电子政务管理</strong>] By definition, e-government is simpl





By definition, e-government is simply the use of information and communications technology, such as the Internet, to improve the processes of government. Thus, e- government is in principle nothing new. Governments were among the first users of computers. But the global proliferation of the Internet, which effectively integrates information and communications technology on the basis of open standards, combined with the movement to reform public administration known as New Public Management, has for good reason generated a new wave of interest in the topic. E-government promises to make government more efficient, responsive, transparent and legitimate and is also creating a rapidly growing market of goods and services, with a variety of new business opportunities.

To some, e-government might seem to be little more than an effort to expand the market of e-commerce from business to government[1]. Surely there is some truth in this. E-commerce is marketing and sales via the Internet. Since governmental institutions take part in marketing and sales activities, both as buyers and sellers, it is not inconsistent to speak of e-government applications of e-commerce. Governments do after all conduct business[2].

But e-commerce is not at the heart of e-government. The core task of government is governance, the job of regulating society, not marketing and sales. In modern democracies, responsibility and power for regulation is divided up and shared among the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government[3]. Simplifying somewhat, the legislature is responsible for making policy in the form of laws, the executive for implementing the policy and law enforcement, and the judiciary for resolving legal conflicts. E-government is about, improving the work of all of these branches of government, not just public administration in the narrow sense.

New Public Management is a kind of management theory about how to reform government by replacing rigid hierarchical organizational structures[4]with more dynamic networks of small organizational units; replacing authoritarian, top-down decision and policy-making practices with a more consensual, bottom-up approach which facilitates the participation of as many stakeholders as possible, especially ordinary citizens; adopting a more "customer"-oriented attitude to public services; and applying market principles to enhance efficiency and productivity.

E-government gives New Public Management fresh blood. Not only does information and communications technology[5]provide the infrastructure and software tools needed for a loosely coupled network of governmental units to collaborate effectively, the infiltration of this technology into government agencies tends to lead naturally to institutional reform, since it is difficult to maintain strictly hierarchical channels of communication and control when every civil servant can collaborate efficiently and directly with anyone else via the Internet.

Orthogonal to the division of power among the branches of government is the hierarchical organization of supranational (e. g. European), national, regional and local governments bounded by geographical territory. Information and communications technology creates a "new accessibility", overcoming temporal, geographical and organizational boundaries. Thus e-government can facilitate new forms of collaboration among governments which cut across and diminish such boundaries. The EuroCities project is an example. Perhaps in the long term e-government will help to strengthen the identification of citizens within Europe.

E-government is not only or even primarily about reforming the work processes within and among governmental institutions, but is rather about improving its services to and collaboration with citizens, the business and professional community, and nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations[6]such as associations, trade unions, political parties, churches, and public interest groups[7].

Using World Wide Web[8]portals[9]to create one-stop shops[10]is one currently popular egovernment approach to improving the delivery of public services to citizens. The basic idea of these portals is to provide a single, convenient place to take care of all the steps of a complex administrative process involving multiple government offices, bringing the services of these offices to the citizen instead of requiring the citizen to run from office to office.

Web portals can deliver government services with various levels of interaction. Three levels are usually identified: information, communication, and transactions. Information services deliver government information via static web pages and dynamic web pages generated from databases to citizens, tourists, businesses, associations, public administration, and other government users. Communication services use groupwareon3 technology such as e-mail, discussion forums and chat to facilitate dialogue, participation and feedback in planning and policy-making procedures. Transaction services use online forms, workflow and payment systems to allow citizens and business partners to take care of their business with government online. Typical applications of transaction services for citizens include applying for social benefits, registering automobiles, filing changes of address or applying for building permits. For businesses, perhaps the application of greatest current interest is the online procurement of government contracts.

Often one reads that these three levels of interaction are ordered by complexity, with transactions being the most complex. Presumably this is because of the apparent and challenging security and business process reengineering issues of online transaction processing. Providing high quality information and communication services, however, is no less challenging. Information services need to evolve into knowledge management services and become adaptive, personalised, proactive and accessible from a broader variety of devices. Communication services need to evolve into collaboration services providing better support for argumentation, negotiation, deliberation and other goal-directed forms of structured discourse.

Among the most interesting and challenging sociotechnological issues of e-government are in the area of e—Democracy, which aims to apply information and communication technology to improve the public opinion formation process central to government's primary regulatory function. Here the ambition is to broaden actual public participation, not just the technical possibility, and counter political apathy without denying the poor or poorly educated their civil rights.

Together with the trend towards outsourcing[12]tasks and working with industry in private-public partnerships, this is likely to[13]lead to rapid growth of the e-government market and create plentiful business opportunities, also for small and medium-size enterprises. Viewing e-government projects as mainly an investment in public infrastructure is too restricted, since the investment is also aimed at reducing the size and costs of government while accelerating the growth of the e-government market, helping to create new businesses and jobs in the private sector.


[1] To some, e-government might seem to be little more than an effort to expand...:对于有些人来说,电子政务似乎只不过是致力于将电子商务从商业领域扩展到政务领域。

little more than只不过是,和……一样。例如:

Her voice is little more than a whisper. 她的声音和耳语差不了多少。

[2] Governments do after all conduct business: 政府的确从事商务活动。do在这里没有实际意义,用助动词“do(does/did)+动词原形”表示强调。例如:

I did come over last night.我昨天晚上的确来了。

She does speak good English. 她的确英语讲得很好。

[3] ...legislative, executive and judicial branches of government: 权力分立(Separation of Powers),是指将各种国家权力分散,不使其集中在单一机关内的设计。权力分立这一名词首先由启蒙时代法国的哲学家孟德斯鸠所提出,而这样的设计通常以三权分立(Trias Politica)而被熟知。三权分立即为行政、司法、立法三大政府机构共同存在,地位平等且互相制衡的政权组织形式。与其相对立的政权组织形式是议行合一制。

[4] ...replacing rigid hierarchical organizational structure...:替代等级制严格的组织结构……。

[5] not only does information and communications technology...:not, never, hardly, seldom, little, scarcely, neither, nor等否定词作状语位于句首时,句子要采用倒装形式。例如:

Little did I know about him. 我对他不了解。

Hardly had he come in when the bell rang.他刚进教室,上课铃就响了。

[6] nongovernmental organizations:非政府组织(Non-governmental organization,缩写NGO)是一个不属于政府、不由国家建立的组织,通常独立于政府。虽然从定义上包含以营利为目的的企业,但该名词一般仅限于非商业化、合法的、与社会文化和环境相关的倡导群体。NGO的基金至少有一部分来源于私人捐款。现在该名词的使用一般与联合国或由联合国指派的权威NGO相关。而大多数非政府组织(NGO)都是非营利组织(NPO-Non-profit Organization).

[7] public interest groups:lnterest group,利益团体,或称利益集团,是指具有相同利益并向社会或政府提出诉求,以争取团体及其成员利益、影响公共政策的一群人。利益团体可以分为两大类:经济性利益团体和公共利益团体(public interest group)。

[8] World Wide Web:万维网(亦作“网络”、“WWW”、“W3”,或英文“Web”),是一个资料空间。在这个空间中:一样有用的事物,称为一样“资源”;并且由一个全域“统一资源标识符”(URI)标识。这些资源通过超文本传输协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)传送给使用者,而后者通过点击链接来获得资源。从另一个观点来看,万维网是一个透过网络存取的互连超文件(interlinked hypertext document)系统。万维网联盟(World Wide Web Consortium,简称W3C),又称W3C理事会。1994年在美国的麻省理工学院(MIT)计算机科学实验室成立。建立者是万维网的发明者蒂姆·伯纳斯·李。

[9] portal:门户,原意是指正门、入口,现多用于互联网的门户(入口)网站和企业应用系统的门户系统。所谓门户网站(入口网站),是指通向某类综合性互联网信息资源并提供有关信息服务的应用系统。门户网站通过门类众多的业务来吸引和留驻互联网用户,以至于目前门户网站的业务包罗万象,成为网络世界的“百货商场”或“网络超市”。

[10] one-stop shop: 一站式购物店,是指商店商品很齐全,顾客不用东奔西走,在一个地方就可以买到所要买的东西。

[11] groupware:组件,群件。-ware是一种常用的英语后缀,单词十后缀,即由一个单词与某一后缀共同组成一个新的单词。-ware表示“商品;物品;器皿;件,软件”,如:








[12] outsourcing: 外部采办,外购。商业用语,是商业活动决策之一,指将非核心业务下放给专门营运该项运作的外间第三者,旨在节省成本、集中精神于核心业务、善用资源、获得独立及专业人士服务等。

[13] be Iikely to: 可能(可预期的)。如:

The boss said we were likely to work overtime today.老板说我们今天很可能要加班。

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