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First basketball teams were formed ______.A.around 1898B.in 1891C.at the time when YMCA wa

First basketball teams were formed ______.

A.around 1898

B.in 1891

C.at the time when YMCA was established

D.when Naismith came to the YMCA training school

更多“First basketball teams were formed ______.A.around 1898B.in 1891C.at the time when YMCA wa”相关的问题


Dialogue : Beautiful Packing John: Glad to see you again, Sherman. Sherman: Hi, glad to see you to

Dialogue : Beautiful Packing

John: Glad to see you again, Sherman.

Sherman: Hi, glad to see you too.

John: Please, sit down.Would you like to try our new tea?

Sherman: Great! The main purpose of my visit today is to place another order of your Longjing tea.Actually, we will place regular orders from now.

John: Oh, it is a good news for us.I have the confidence that our tea won't make you disappointed.

Sherman: That is true.But before that, I'd like to talk something about the packing of Longjing tea.

John: Did you find any problems with the packing?

Sherman: No.My meaning is to improve the packing of your Longjing tea.There is no doubt that the quality of your tea is good.It is the packing that often gives the first impression on customers rather than the products themselves so we believe the packing is as important as the quality of the products themselves.

John: I agree with you.But could you be in details?

Sherman: Sure.Firstly, we believe the out-look of the package should attract customer.A beautiful packing is surely a great help in pushing sales.To be honest, your packing is not attractive enough to buyers.

John: Do you mean the color of the design should be more bright and eye-catching7

Sherman: Eye-catching with traditional Chinese style.You see, customers even can smell your culture before they open the box and drink the tea.As you know, one function of packing is to stimulate the buyer's desire to buy.

John: I'll pass your idea onto our designers and ask them to improve it.

Sherman: Thank you John.Secondly, if it is possible, we would like to advise you to improve your methods of packing.

John: Our packing is typical tin for tea.Any questions about this method of packing?

Sherman: I am thinking about how to let your packing speak for the good quality of the tea itself.Can we find some other packing ways to show off the appealing green and sl~ape of the tea?

John: We can leave an open window on packing.

Sherman: You get the point.

John: Thanks for your suggestion.



Sport is heading for an indissoluble marriage with television and the passive spectator wi
ll enjoy a private paradise. All of this will be in the future of sport. The spectator(the television audience) will be the priority(优先) and professional clubs will have to readjust their structures to adapt to the new reality: sport as a business.

The new technologies will mean that spectators will no longer have to wait for broadcasts by the conventional channels. They will be the ones who decide what to see. And they will have to pay for it. In the United States the system of the future has already started: pay-as-you-view. Everything will be offered by television and the spectator will only have to choose. The review Sports Illustrated recently published a full profile of the life of the supporter at home in the middle of the next century. It explained that the consumers would be able to select their view of the match on a gigantic, flat screen occupying the whole of one wall, with images of a clarity which cannot be foreseen at present; they could watch from the trainer's bench, from the stands just behind the batter in a game of baseball or from the helmet of the star player in an American football game. And at their disposal will be the same options the producer of the recorded program me has: to select replays, to choose which camera to use and to decide on the sound—whether to hear the public, the players, the trainer and so on.

Many sports executives, largely too old and too conservative to feel at home with the new technologies, will believe that sport must control the expansion of television coverage in order to survive and ensure that spectators attend matches. They do not even accept the evidence which contradicts their view: while there is more basketball than ever on television, for example, it is also certain that basketball is more popular than ever.

It is also the argument of these sports executives that television is harming the modest teams. This is true, but the future of those teams is also modest. They have reached their ceiling. It is the law of the market. The great events continually attract larger audiences.

The world is being constructed on new technologies so that people can make the utmost use of their time and, in their home, have access to the greatest possible range of recreational activities. Sport will have to adapt itself to the new world.

The most visionary executives go further. Their philosophy is: rather than see television take over sport, why not have sports taken over television?

What does the writer mean by the use of the phrase "an indissoluble marriage" in the first paragraph?

A.Sport is combined with television.

B.Sport controls television.

C.Television dictates sport.

D.Sport and television will go their own ways.



I thought it was worth ______ a hundred miles to see the basketball game.A.of drivingB.dri

I thought it was worth ______ a hundred miles to see the basketball game.

A.of driving



D.being driven



He used to play basketball every Sunday.(翻译)

He used to play basketball every Sunday.(翻译)



The football game was more exciting than the basketball game.The basketball game was ___

The football game was more exciting than the basketball game.

The basketball game was _____ ______ than the football game.



I always play basketball after school for f_________



Yao Ming is a popular ____ basketball player. (profession) We are _____of him very mu
Yao Ming is a popular ____ basketball player. (profession) We are _____of him very mu

ch. (pride)



Cindy Hess began her automotive career as a Design and Development Engineer with Chrysler,
in the fall of 1977. Today, she is Vice-President of Daimler Chrysler, and head of the Small Car Platform. Engineering Department which is directly responsible for the design and development of the Neon, Doge Viper, and all future small cars.

"Many different departments are involved, in bringing a product to market," said Hess, referring to the 2000 Neon. "A company looks into renewing a particular vehicle when its marketplace demand is good, and the profits increase our shareholder's value," explained Hess. "We look to our market research in determining which options we'll keep the same or delete, and which ones we want to add to improve our appeal."

Now that the Neon 2000 is on the market, her team will use survey and research results to determine which option packages work best for the consumer, and what improvements, if any, need to be made. And the best goes on.

Hess supervises 1 200 engineers while managing a successful life as wife and mother. Her secret, she said, is to "always try to give 150 percent in everything I do. The only way I can really balance my work and family is 'by cheating at both ends'. " "For example," Hess said, "I always take my boys to school on the first day of the year--so I come in a little late. A few times a year I leave work for a couple of hours to see my son in a play or to attend his swim meet."

Like most other successful women in the auto industry, Hess's day begins early and ends late. In her case, coaching her son's basketball game ends some of Hess's days. "Occasionally," she adds," I come in to work on the weekends to catch up on paperwork and mail and have also been known to be called to work while I am on vacation."

What is Cindy's chief responsibility now?

A.Renewing promising car models.

B.Supervising production.

C.Doing market research.

D.Developing small cars.



Our visit to the excavation of a Roman fort on a hill near Coventry was of more than archa
eological interest. The year's dig had been a fruitful one and had assembled evidence of a permanent military camp much larger than had at first been conjectured. We were greeted on the site by a group of excavators, some of them filling in a trench that had yielded an almost complete pot the day before, others enjoying the last-day luxury of a cigarette in the sun, but all happy to explain and talk about their work. If we had not already known it, nothing would have suggested that this was a party of prisoners from the nearby prison. This is not the first time that prison labour has been used in work of this kind, but here the experiment, now two years old, has proved outstandingly satisfactory.

From the archaeologists' point of view, prisoners provide a steady force of disciplined labour throughout the entire season, men to whom it is a serious day's work, and not the rather carefree holiday job that it tends to be for the .amateur archaeologist. Newcomers are comparatively few, and can soon be initiated by those already trained in the work. Prisoners may also be more accustomed to heavy work like shovelling and carting soil than the majority of students, and they also form. a fair cross-section of the population and can furnish men whose special skills make them valuable as surveyors, draughtsmen of pottery restorers. When Coventry's Keeper of Archaeology went to the prison to appeal for help, he was received cautiously by the men, but when the importance of the work was fully understood, far more volunteers were forthcoming than could actually be employed. When they got to work on the site, and their efforts produced pottery and building foundations in what until last year had been an ordinary field, their enthusiasm grew till they would sometimes work through their lunch hour and tea break, and even carry on in the rain rather than sit it out in the hut. This was undoubtedly because the work was not only strenuous but absorbing, and called for considerable intelligence. The men worked always under professional supervision, but as the season went on they needed less guidance and knew when an expert should be summoned. Disciplinary problems were negligible, the men were carefully selected for their good conduct and working on a party like this was too valuable a privilege to be thrown away.

The Keeper of Archaeology said that this was by far the most satisfactory form. of labour that he had ever had, and that it had produced results, in quantity and quality, that could not have been achieved by any other means. A turf and timber fort built near the Roman highway through the middle of England in the first century AD had been excavated over an area of 14,000 square feet, and a se ction of turf rampart and palisade fully reconstructed by methods identical to those employed by the Roman army.

The restoration of the Roman fort is being financed by Coventry Corporation as part of a plan to create a leisure amenity area. To this project prisoners have contributed work which otherwise would not have been performed and which benefits the whole community.

The visit to the excavation site was______

A.of purely archaeological interest

B.fruitful because a complete pot was discovered

C.interesting in more than one way

D.made by a group of prisoners



The basketball team of our school ranks ________ in the match.



C.the three

D.the third

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