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Could I ask you a rather personal question? Sure, ().

A.pardon me

B.go ahead

C.good idea

D.forget it

更多“Could I ask you a rather personal question? Sure, ().”相关的问题


—Could you take a photo of me with the lake as a background —().

A.No, ask someone else

B.No way

C.By all means

D.Why should I



Hobbs was an orphan. He worked in-a factory and every day he got a little money. Hard work
changed him thin and weak. He wanted to borrow a lot of money to learn painting pictures, but he did not think he could pay off the debts.

One day the lawyer said to him, "One thousand dollars, and here is the money. "As Hobbs took the package of noted, he was very dumbfounded. He didn't know where the money came from and how to spend it. He said to himself, "I could go to find a hotel and live like a rich man for a few days; or I give up my work in the factory and do what I' d like to do: painting pictures. I could do that for a few weeks, but what would I do after that? I should have lost myplace of the factory and have no money to live on. If it were a little less money, I would buy a new coat, or a radio, or give a dinner to my friends. If it were more, I could give up the work and pay for painting pictures. But it's too much for one and too little for the other."

"Here is the reading of your uncle's will", said the lawyer, "telling what is to be clone with this money after his death. I must ask you to remember one point. Your uncle has said you must bring me a paper showing exactly what you did with his money, as soon as you have spent it." " Yes, I see. I'll do that. "said the young man.

He wanted to borrow money because he wanted to ______.

A.study abroad

B.work abroad

C.pay for the debts

D.learn to paint pictures



Once upon a time a poor farmer taking a sack of wheat to the mill. He did not know【56】to d
o when it slipped from his horse and fell【57】the road. The sack was【58】heavy for him to【59】, and his only hope was that【60】some one would come riding by and【61】a hand. It was not long【62】a rider appeared, but the farmer's heart sank when he【63】him, for it was the great man who lived in a castle near by. The farmer【64】have dared to ask【65】farmer to help, or any poor man who might have come【66】the road, but he could not beg a【67】of so great a man.

【68】, as soon as the great man came up he got【69】his horse, saying, "I see you've had bad luck, friend. How good it is【70】I' m here just at the【71】time. "Then he took one【72】of the sack, the farmer, the other, and between them they lifted it on the horse. "Sir, "asked the farmer, "how can I pay you?"

"Easily enough, "the great man【73】. "Whenever you see【74】else in trouble,【75】the same for him.








A proven method for effective textbook reading is the SQ3R method developed by Francis Rob
inson. The first step is to survey (the S step) the chapter by reading the title, introduction, section headings, summary and by studying any graphs, tables, illustrations or charts. The purpose of this step is to get an overview of the chapter so that you will know before you read what it will be about. In the second step (the Q step), for each section you ask yourself questions such as "What do I already know about this topic?" and "What do I want to know?" In this step you also take the section heading and turn it into a question. This step gives you a purpose for reading the section. The third step (the first of the 3 R's) is to read to find the answer to your questions. Then at the end of each section, before going on to the next section, you recite (the second of the 3 R's) the answers to the questions that you formed in the question step. When you recite you should say the information you want to learn out loud in your own words. The fifth step is done after you have completed steps 2, 3 and 4 for each section. You review (the last of the 3 R's) the entire chapter. The review is done much as the survey was in the first step. As you review, hold a mental conversation with yourself as you recite the information you selected as important to learn. The mental conversation could take the form. of asking and answering the questions fromed from the headings or reading the summary, which lists the main ideas in the chapter, and trying to fill in the details for each main idea.

The passage implies that the SQ3R method______.

A.needs to be proven

B.leaves much to he desired

C.turns out to be practicable

D.cannot be used by every reader



You ask how to start a business? Here is an example.David Dawson, a serious mountain climb

You ask how to start a business? Here is an example.

David Dawson, a serious mountain climber, was dissatisfied with soft iron pitons(锥锤), the only ones he was able to buy. They lasted just one or two climbs, and Dawson wanted to replace them with "chrome-molys" (铬铝合金) , which were harder, stronger and longer-lasting. Some climbers made them for limited distribution among friends, but they were not commercially available. So Dawson started Dawson Equipment Ltd., a purveyor (承办商) of climbing equipment, as a one-man enterprise in Burbank, California, in 1958. He had no plan, no management experience and no advertising. He worked in a shed using a hand forge purchased with $ 800 of capital borrowed from his mother.

What Dawson did have was a knowledge of the kind of equipment that he needed in his own climbs, and a sense that serious climbers would follow his lead. Currently Dawson Equipment is thriving and produces over 200 products.

Business opportunities are mere than ample today for the simple reason that many consumers are dissatisfied. Dawson's business started from his being a customer not liking what he bought. I suspect that your business will begin that way too. You know what you want to replace, improve or change. So begin where the tool breaks, the service slips or the shoe pinches.

Dawson was dissatisfied with soft iron pitons because ______. ()

A.they were too soft to bear the climber's weight

B.they were the only pitons he could afford to buy

C.they coul not last long

D.they were made of iron



Not long ago, there lived in Auckland a working family who dreamed about a house of thei
r own. Anyone then could read in the newspapers about the building companies who offered to put people into a new house(1)only a $1,000 deposit. Of course, the remainder had to be paid off with interest over a period of twenty years or so.

The worker and his wife hopefully went to one of these companies(2)this wonderful offer. And the man in the office said. “Yes, sure. You bring along $1,000 and we can(3)you with a new house.”

So the worker and his wife had to work hard and in twelve months’ time they returned to the building man with $1,000. But the man in the office said, “Look, I’m sorry, (4)we’ll need $1,500 now. Costs have gone up since we saw you last, you know.”

The couple thought it over and decided it would not take very long to save the extra $500 if they worked hard.

In six moths they worked(5)overtime and saved the $500 in spite of the high rent they had to pay for their flat. Back to the building man they(6)with their $1,500. But to their surprise he (7)the deposit was now $3,000.

Now somewhat wiser, the worker said, “And the next time, I dare say we’ll find the deposit rising once more. How have we (8)save the extra $1,500?”

“Well”, said the man, “I think we can stabilize the situation for about twelve months. By the time you come with $3,000, we will have had the house(9)for you.

The couple left, sad at heart as they saw their dream house (10) . By the time they had saved the extra $1.500, no doubt the deposit would have become still higher, maybe $5,000, then $10,000 and then…!

(1). A、 For

B、 with

C、 on

D、 to

(2). A、 to ask for

B、 asking for

C、 o ask about

D、 asking about

(3). A、 supply

B、 give

C、 offer

D、 equip

(4). A、 or

B、 and

C、 but

D、 so

(5). A、 whole the

B、 whole

C、 the all

D、 all the

(6). A、 filled

B、 dealt

C、 went

D、 went on

(7). A、 replied

B、 announced

C、 told

D、 spoke

(8). A、 had to

B、 worked to

C、 tried to

D、 got to

(9). A、 sold

B、 paid

C、 prepare

D、 ready

(10).A、 throw away

B、 die away

C、 take away

D、 get away



I forgot ______ you something that I have long meant to ask you.A.to be askingB.having ask

I forgot ______ you something that I have long meant to ask you.

A.to be asking

B.having asked

C.to ask

D.to have asked



I cannot give you the information you ask for, for the simple reason()I don't know
I cannot give you the information you ask for, for the simple reason()I don't know

it myself.

A.because of






Dialogue : Beautiful Packing John: Glad to see you again, Sherman. Sherman: Hi, glad to see you to

Dialogue : Beautiful Packing

John: Glad to see you again, Sherman.

Sherman: Hi, glad to see you too.

John: Please, sit down.Would you like to try our new tea?

Sherman: Great! The main purpose of my visit today is to place another order of your Longjing tea.Actually, we will place regular orders from now.

John: Oh, it is a good news for us.I have the confidence that our tea won't make you disappointed.

Sherman: That is true.But before that, I'd like to talk something about the packing of Longjing tea.

John: Did you find any problems with the packing?

Sherman: No.My meaning is to improve the packing of your Longjing tea.There is no doubt that the quality of your tea is good.It is the packing that often gives the first impression on customers rather than the products themselves so we believe the packing is as important as the quality of the products themselves.

John: I agree with you.But could you be in details?

Sherman: Sure.Firstly, we believe the out-look of the package should attract customer.A beautiful packing is surely a great help in pushing sales.To be honest, your packing is not attractive enough to buyers.

John: Do you mean the color of the design should be more bright and eye-catching7

Sherman: Eye-catching with traditional Chinese style.You see, customers even can smell your culture before they open the box and drink the tea.As you know, one function of packing is to stimulate the buyer's desire to buy.

John: I'll pass your idea onto our designers and ask them to improve it.

Sherman: Thank you John.Secondly, if it is possible, we would like to advise you to improve your methods of packing.

John: Our packing is typical tin for tea.Any questions about this method of packing?

Sherman: I am thinking about how to let your packing speak for the good quality of the tea itself.Can we find some other packing ways to show off the appealing green and sl~ape of the tea?

John: We can leave an open window on packing.

Sherman: You get the point.

John: Thanks for your suggestion.



When I was a kid, I never knew what my parents—or anyone else's—did for a living.As far as

When I was a kid, I never knew what my parents—or anyone else's—did for a living. As far as 1 could tell, all grownups had mysterious jobs that involved drinking lots of coffee and arguing about Richard Nixon. If they had job-related stress, they kept it private. Now American families are expected to be more intimate. While this has resulted in a lot more hugs, "I love you's," and attendance at kids' football games, unfortunately we parents also insist on sharing the frustrations of our work lives.

While we have complained about our jobs or fallen asleep in car-pool lines, our children have been noticing. They are worried about us. A new survey, "Ask the children, "conducted by the Families and Work Institute of New York City, queried more than 1, 000 kids between the ages of 8 and 18 about their parents' work lives. "If you were granted one wish to change the way your parents' work affected your life," the survey asked kids, "what would that wish be?" Most parents assumed that children would want more time with them, but only 10% did. Instead, the most common wish (among 34%) was that parents would be less stressed and tired by work.

Allison Levin is the mother of three young children and a professional in the growing field of "work/life quality". Levin counsels employees who are overwhelmed by their work and family obligations to carefully review their commitments-not only at the office but at home and in the community too—and start paring them down. "It's not about getting up earlier in the morning so you can get more done," she says. "It's about saying no and making choices."

We can start by leaving work, and thoughts of work, behind as soon as we start the trip home. Do something to get yourself in a good mood, like listening to music, rather than returning calls on the cell phone. When you get home, change out of your work clothes, let the answering machine take your calls, and stay away from e-mail. When your kids ask about your day, tell them about something good that happened. (In the survey, 69% of morns said they liked their work, but only 42% of kids thought their mothers really did.)

Parents can also de-stress by cutting back on their children's activities. If keeping up with your kid's schedule is killing you, insist that he choose between karate lessons and the theater troupe. Parents should also sneak away from work and family occasionally to have some fun. I keep a basketball in the trunk of my can. I might never be able to fix everything at work or at home, but at least I can work on my jump shot.

Which of the following sentences can be the best title of this passage?

A.Kids Say: Chill

B.Kids Stress Parents

C.Parents Complain about work

D.Parents Get in Good Mood



– may I ask you a question, sir()

A.Please go ahead. What is it

B.Yes, I’m afraid not

C.That’s a good idea

D.You’re right

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