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This passage suggests that the writer ______ .A.is easy to get along withB.is never please

This passage suggests that the writer ______ .

A.is easy to get along with

B.is never pleased with her neighbors

C.is unhappy with the life they are living

D.is good at observing and understanding people

更多“This passage suggests that the writer ______ .A.is easy to get along withB.is never please”相关的问题


According to the passage, Pearl Buck described herself as "mentally bifocal" to suggest that she was ().

A.capable of resolving the differences between two distinct linguistic systems

B.keenly aware of how the past could influence the future

C.capable of producing literary works of interest to both

D.equally familiar with two different cultural environments



There are many stereotypes about the character of people in various parts of the United St
ates. In the Northeast and Midwest, people are said to be closed and private. In the South and West, however, they are often thought of as being more open and hospitable. Ask someone from St. Louis where the nearest sandwich shop is, and he or she will politely give you directions. A New Yorker might eye you at first and after deciding it is safe to talk to you, might give you a rather unexpected explanation. A person from Georgia might be very kind about directing you and even suggest some different places to eat. A Texan just might take you to the place and treat you to lunch.

American stereotypes are abundant. New Englanders are often thought of as being friendly and helpful. Southerners are known for their hospitality and warmth. People from the western part of the United States are often considered very outgoing. These differences in character can be traced to different factors such as climate, living conditions, and historical development.

When travelling from place to place, Americans themselves are often surprised at the differing degrees of friendliness in the United States.

The main idea of the passage is ______.

A.even Americans are surprised at the big differences among themselves

B.there are many differences in character in different parts of the USA

C.there are many reason for the differences

D.stereotypes about people are not necessarily true



Passage Three No one knows exactly how many disabled (残废的) people there are in the

Passage Three

No one knows exactly how many disabled (残废的) people there are in the world, but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.

In the United Kingdom, about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people. As we get older, many of us will become less mobile (可动的), hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.

Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases. The longer time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have a period of disability in the form. of a mental illness. All are affected by people's attitude towards them.

Disabled people face many physical barriers. Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends, imagine how you would manage if you could not get up steps, or on to buses and trains. How would you cope if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic? But there are other barriers: prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance inevitably represents by far the greatest barrier of all. It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully appreciate what the severely disabled go through, so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability, not their disability, which counts.

41. The first paragraph points out that ______.

A. it is possible to get an exact figure of the world's disabled people

B. there are many disabled people in the world

C. the number of disabled people in India is the greatest

D. India has not much more disabled people than Canada



Passage One Mark went to the neighborhood meeting after work. The area's city councilwom

Passage One

Mark went to the neighborhood meeting after work. The area's city councilwoman (女议员) was leading a discussion about how the quality of life was decreasing. The neighborhood faced many problems. People were supposed to suggest solutions to the councilwoman. It was too much for Mark. "The problems are too big," he thought. He turned to the man next to him and said, "I think this is a waste of my time. Nothing I could do would make a difference here."

On his way back, Mark saw a woman carrying a grocery hag and baby. She was trying to unlock her car, but she didn't have a free hand. As Mark got closer, her other child, a little boy, suddenly darted into the street. The woman tried to reach for him, but as she moved, her bag shifted and groceries started to fall out. Mark ran to take the boy's arm and led him back to his mother. Then he picked up the groceries while the woman smiled in relief. "Thanks!" she said. "You've got great timing (适时) !"

"Just being neighborly (友好的) ," Mark said. As he rode home, he glanced at the walls of the bus passed by. On one of them was "Small acts of kindness add up." Mark smiled and thought, "Maybe that's a good place to start."

31. In the first paragraph, Mark thought that______.

A. nobody was so able as to solve these problems

B. many people were too selfish to think about others

C. he was not in the position to solve such problems

D. he already had more than enough work to do



根据以下资料,回答20~23题。 There are many stereotypes about the character of people in v
arious parts of the United States.In the Northeast and Midwest, people are said to be closed and private.In the South and West, however, they are often thought of as being more open and hospitable.Ask someone from St.Louis where the nearest sandwich shop is, and he or she will politely give you directions.A New Yorker might eye you at first and after deciding it is safe to talk to you, might give you a rather unexpected explanation.A person from Georgia might be very kind about directing you and even suggest some different places to eat.A Texan just might take you to the place and treat you to lunch. American stereotypes are abundant.New Englanders are often thought of as being friendly and helpful.Southerners are known for their hospitality and warmth.People from the western part of the United States are often considered very outgoing.These differences in character can be traced to different factors such as climate, living conditions, and historical development. When travelling from place to place, Americans themselves are often surprised at the differing degrees of friendliness in the United States. The main idea of the passage is __. A.even Americans are surprised at the big differences among themselves B.there are many differences in character in different parts of the USA C.there are many reason for the differences D.stereotypes about people are not necessarily true



Passage Three How can we get rid of garbage.9 Do we have enough energy sources to meet

Passage Three

How can we get rid of garbage.9 Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs?

These are two important questions that many people are asking today. Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time. They suggest using garbage as an energy source, and at the time it can save the land to hold garbage.

For a long time, people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land. Now, empty land is scarce. But more and more garbage is produced each year. However, garbage can be a good fuel to use. The things in garbage do not look like coal, petroleum, or natural gas; but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels. As we use up our fossil-fuel supplies, we might be able to use garbage as an energy source. Burning garbage is not a new idea. Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years. The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water. The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby buildings. In Paris, France, some power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the cities garbage each year. The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil.

Our fossil fuel supplies are limited. Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs.

44. What two problems can man solve by burning garbage?

A. The shortage of energy and air pollution.

B. The shortage of energy and the land to hold garbage.

C. Air pollution and the shortage of fossil fuel.

D. Air pollution and the shortage of land to hold garbage.



Passage 1A new study finds that even mild stress can affect your ability to control your e

Passage 1

A new study finds that even mild stress can affect your ability to control your emotions. A team of neuroscientists at New York University say that their findings suggest that certain _1_ that teach people how to better control their emotions—such as those used to treat social anxiety and phobias— may not work as well during stressful situations. “We have long suspected that stress can _2_ our ability to control our emotions, but this is the first study to document how even mild stress can undercut therapies designed to keep our emotions in _3_ said senior author and psychology professor Elizabeth Phelps. “In other words, what you learn in the clinic may not be as _4_ in the real world when you’re stressed.” To help patients learn to _5_ their emotional impairment, therapists sometimes use cognitive restructuring techniques encouraging patients to alter their thoughts or approach to a situation to change their emotional response. These might include focusing on the positive or non-threatening aspects of an event or _6_ that might normally produce fear. To test how these techniques hold up in real-life situations, the team _7_ a group of 78 volunteers, who viewed pictures of snakes and spiders. Some of the pictures were paired with an electric shock, and participants _8_ developed a fear of these pictures. The subjects “reported more _9_ feelings of fear when viewing the pictures, compared with when they viewed images not paired with a shock. Next the participants were taught cognitive strategies, similar to those _10_ bytherapists and known as cognitive-behavioral therapy, to learn to diminish the fears brought on by the experiment.

A) check

B) regulate

C) eventually

D) consequences

E) impair

F) stimulus

G) bleak

H) enlisted

I) relevant

J) prescribed

K) therapies

L) confined

M) incidentally

N) intense

O) breach




In many homes, divorce is caused by the “battle between the sexes”.To understand the p
roblem, one must remember that modern American woman is freed.During childhood and youth, the American girl is given freedom and education which is equal to a boy’s.After completing school, she is able to get a job and support herself.She doesn’t have to marry for financial security.She considers herself an independent, self-sufficient person.She wants a husband whom she can respect.She wants a democratic household in which she has a voice in making decisions.When a husband and wife are able to share decision-making, their marriage is probably closer, stronger, and more satisfying.Otherwise, the couple is likely to wind up in the divorce court.

When a couple gets divorced, the court usually requires the man to pay his former wife a monthly sum of money.If the couple has children, they usually remain with the mother, and the father is expected to pay for their support.

Although divorce is quite common in the United States, 80 percent of those who get divorced remarry.The remarriages allow thousands of people, especially children, to enjoy family life again, but at the same time many troubles have arisen.A well-known American joke tells of a wife calling to her second husband, “Quick, John! Come here and help me! Your children are beating up our children!”

6.What does the passage mainly discuss?()

A.Financial trouble in the family

B.Different attitudes between husband and wife towards children’s education

C.Women’s liberation movement

D.Lack of democratic atmosphere in the household often leads to divorce

7.What do you know of modern American women according to the passage?()

A.They are overbearing

B.They respect their husbands, but do not listen to them

C.They do not have much to say in the household

D.They are more independent than ever before

8.What kind of marriage can be successful according to the passage?()

A.Both the man and woman are financially secure

B.husband and wife share housework

C.Decisions are made by the man and woman together

D.Both the man and woman are well-educated

9.What happens when a couple is divorced according to the passage?()

A.The children become homeless

B.The man, rather than the woman, remarries soon

C.Life becomes difficult for the woman and her children

D.The man is still held responsible for the welfare of his children

10.What does the well-known joke suggest?()

A.Remarriages often end up in failure

B.Children are unhappy in the new family

C.The mother is not respected by the stepchildren

D.Remarriage causes new troubles in the household



What has the telephone done to us, or for us, in the hundred years of its existence? A few
effects suggest themselves at once. It has saved lives by getting rapid word of illness, injury, or fire from remote places. By joining with the elevator to make possible the multi-story residence or office building, it has made possible -- for better or worse -- the modern city. By bringing about a great leap in the speed and space with which information moves from place to place, it has greatly accelerated the rate of scientific and technological changes and growth in industry. Beyond doubt it has seriously weakened if not killed the ancient art of letter writing. It has made living alone possible for person with normal social impulses; by doing so it has played a role in one of the greatest social changes of this century, the breaking up of the multi-generational household. It has made the war chillingly more efficient than formerly. Perhaps though not provable (可证实), it has prevented wars that might have arisen out of international misunderstanding caused by written communication. Or perhaps--again not provable--by magnifying and extending irrational personal conflicts based on voice contact it impartially disseminates (传播) the useful knowledge of scientists and the nonsense of the ignorant, the affection of the affectionate and the malice (恶意) of the malicious.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A.The telephone has helped to save people from illness and fire.

B.The telephone has helped to prevent wars and conflicts.

C.The telephone has made the modern city neither better nor worse.

D.The telephone has had positive as well as negative effects on us.



In a perfectly free and open market economy, the type of employer—government or private—sh
ould have little or no impact on the earnings differentials between women and men. However, if there is discrimination against one sex, it is unlikely that the degree of discrimination by government and private employers will be the same. Differences in the degree of discrimination would result in earnings differentials associated with the type of employer. Given the nature of government and private employers, it seems most likely that discrimination by private employers would be greater. Thus, one would expect that, if women are being discriminated against, government employment would have a positive effect on women's earnings as compared with their earnings from private employment. The results of a study by Fuchs support this assumption. Fuchs' results suggest that the earnings of women in an industry composed entirely of government employees would be 14.6 percent greater than the earnings of women in an industry composed exclusively of private employees, other things being equal.

In addition, both Fuchs and Sanborn have suggested that the effect of discrimination by consumers on the earnings of self-employed women may be greater than the effect of either government or private employer discrimination on the earnings of women employees. To test this hypothesis, Brown selected a large sample of white male and female workers from the 1970 census and divided them into three categories: private employees, government employees, and self-employed. (Black workers were excluded from the sample to avoid picking up earnings differentials that were the result of racial disparities.) Brown's research design controlled for education, labor-force participation, mobility, motivation, and age in order to eliminate these factors as explanations of the study's results. Brown's results suggest that men and women are not treated the came by employers and consumers. For men, self-employment is the highest earnings category, with private employment next, and government lowest. For women, this order is reversed.

One can infer from Brown's results that consumers discriminate against self-employed women. In addition, self-employed women may have more difficulty than men in getting good employees and may encounter discrimination from suppliers and from financial institutions.

Brown's results are clearly consistent with Fuchs' argument that discrimination by consumers has a greater impact on the earnings of women than does discrimination by either government or private employers. Also, the fact the women do better working for government than for private employers implies that private employers are discriminating against women. The results do not prove that government does not discriminate against women. They do, however, demonstrate that if government is discriminating against women, its discriminating is not having as much effect on women's earnings as is discrimination in the private sector.

The passage mentions all of the following difficulties that self-employed women may encounter EXCEPT ______.

A.discrimination from consumers and suppliers

B.discrimination from financial institutions

C.problems from financial institutions

D.problems in obtaining government assistance



Believe it or not, optical illusion (错觉) can cut highway crashes.(78) Japan is a case in

Believe it or not, optical illusion (错觉) can cut highway crashes.

(78) Japan is a case in point. (79) It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75 percent using a simple optical illusion. Bent stripes, called chevrons (人字形), painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down.

Now the American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington D.C. is planning to repeat Japan's success. Starting next year, the foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes.

(80) Excessive speed plays a major role in as much as one fifth of all fatal traffic accidents, according to the foundation. To help reduce those accidents, the foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed - related hazards are the greatest - curves, exit slopes, traffic circles, and bridges.

Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bars pained across roads can initially cut the average speed of drivers in half. However, traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bars.

Chevrons, scientists say, not only give drivers the impression that they are driving faster than they really are but also make a lane appear to be narrower. The result is a longer lasting reduction in highway speed and the number of traffic accidents.

The main point of the passage is ______.

A.a new way of highway speed control

B.a new approach to training drivers

C.a new pattern for painting highways

D.a new type of optical illusion

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