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The day of terror at the Virginia Polytechnic and State University in Blacksburg began at

about 7:15 a. m., with the shooting of a woman and a male resident adviser on the fourth floor of a dorm building on campus, Kristen Bensley, a freshman who lived below the floor where the shooting occurred, told TIME, "There were minors going on about the assailant was fighting with his girlfriend or something of that nature". Bensley notes that only residents can get into the building, using a specific "passport", that is, a card that one has to swipe in order to open doors before 10 a.m. If he was an outsider, someone would have had to let him in. Or more likely, he was a resident of the dorm himself. If so, how did be keep so much ammunition unnoticed?

Unlike high schools, most universities can't beef up security with a metal detector or two. So what can be done to protect students? Other questions remain unanswered. Why was there a two-hour gap between the incident at the dorm and a far more fatal one across campus? At one point, that led to theorizing that more than one gunman was involved. The gunman who killed at least 30 people at Norris Hall shortly after 9 a.m. was described by some sources as an Asian man.

It has been a surreal time for the students. Brandon Stiltner, a senior aerospace engineering student, and Jonathan Hess, a senior mechanical engineer, were watching TV all day but by noon they'd had enough. "We decided we needed to do something", Stiltner said. "We were worthless sitting around". So they took their six-foot Virginia Tech sign off the wall and logged into Facebook. Within the next few hours 100 people replied to their e-mail request for a vigil.

By 8 p.m. hundreds bf students began filing down the steps of the War Memorial Chapel toward the drill field. Clusters of two and three students stood together in silence. Slowly they began to line up to sign the board. "I'm still really in disbelief", says Stiltner. The shock of the day's shootings sank in, Hess said, as he carried the sign across campus for the vigil. "It hit me", Hess said, "to know that it was in these buildings". The media crews that swarmed campus were also surreal to Hess and Stiltner. "We could look out our window and see exactly what's on TV", Stiltner says. He watched his sign crowded with initials and prayers, awaiting the names of the victims, He shuddered. "I hope I don't have any nasty surprises".

Which of the following is tree according to the first paragraph?

A.7:15 a.m. is the time a woman and a mate resident adviser were killed on the fourth floor of a dorm building on campus.

B.The cause of shooting is the assailant was fighting with his girlfriend or something of that nature.

C.Open dorm's doors needs swipe a card before 10 a.m.

D.The gunman was a resident of the dorm himself.

更多“The day of terror at the Virginia Polytechnic and State University in Blacksburg began at”相关的问题


During the whole of a dull, dark and soundless day in the, autumn of the year, when the cl
ouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country, and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. Thus Edgar Allan Poe opened his story of the fall of the House of Usher in 1839. In this beautifully crafted sentence he captured so much that is essential to the horror story: darkness, ominous solitude, foreboding calm, apprehension and uncertainty, and a deep feeling of melancholy that could soon turn to fear.

Many kinds of fiction are self-explanatory: mysteries, Westerns, love stories, spy thrillers, and science fiction define themselves by the terms used to name them. The horror story is less easily defined, perhaps because other types of fiction so often use the trappings of terror to enhance their plots. Charles Dickens used the vehicle of an old-fashioned ghost story to tell A Christmas Carol, but that book is not a honor story. Nor does a Grimm brothers fairy tale such as Hansen and Grate with its child-devouring witch, belong to the genre.

The nature of the horror story is. best indicated by the title of the 1980s television series Tales from the Dark Side. Human beings have always acknowledged that there is evil in the world and a dark side to human nature that cannot be explained except perhaps in religious terms. This evil may be imagined as having an almost unlimited power to inspire anxiety, fear, dread, and terror in addition to doing actual physical and mental harm.

In the tale of horror quite ordinary people are confronted by something unknown and fearful, which can be neither understood nor explained in reasonable terms. It is the emphasis on the unreasonable that lies at the heart of horror stories. This kind of literature arose in the 18th century at the start of a movement called Romanticism. The movement was a reaction against a rational, orderly world in which humanity was basically good and everything could be explained scientifically. The literary type that inspired the horror story is Gothic fiction, tales of evil, often set in sinister medieval surroundings. This original kind of horror fiction has persisted to the present.

In his novel, Edgar Allen Poe _______.

A.integrated the description of beauty into his horror story

B.used a lot of typical descriptions of horror stories

C.was universally considered as the father of horror story

D.combined a touch of sadness in his description of horror










If the bill for secret terror trials is passed, it may be carried out inA.America.B.Britai

If the bill for secret terror trials is passed, it may be carried out in








A.Zero Division Error



D.Not In tError



The purpose of the author in writing the text is toA.back up Macdonald.B.introduce the arg

The purpose of the author in writing the text is to

A.back up Macdonald.

B.introduce the argument about the plan for secret terror trials.

C.criticise the bill because of the indifference to the terrorist's basic rights.

D.argue for the independence of jury trials.



根据以下资料,回答17~20题。 THE TOP 10 TIPS TO BEAT TERROR BY MI5(Military Intelligence 5

根据以下资料,回答17~20题。 THE TOP 10 TIPS TO BEAT TERROR BY MI5(Military Intelligence 5 军情五处) BRITAIN'S security service MI5 issued an unprecedented (前所未有的) warning to firms yesterday to protect themselves from terror attacks.Spy bosses released a list of top 10 tips for companies and their workers saying the cooperation of ordinary people was a vital weapon in the war on terror.MI5 boss Eliza Manningham-Buller said: "We have a well-developed understanding of international terrorism and other threats facing the UK today." "We rely heavily on public assistance and support to do our work effectively.I would encourage people to use our website to pass on any information." MI5's site warns al-Qaeda (基地组织)is targeting Britain from internally and abroad, and urges the public to report suspicions to a web link or emergency number.British businesses are further advised: 1.Judge the risk of threats and vulnerable points (弱点) 2.Plan security measures for new buildings. 3.Put someone in charge of security awareness, inform. staff and train in emergencies and bomb threats. 4.Keep public areas tidy and well lit, remove unnecessary furniture and cut the shrubs. 5.Search bags and consider a barrier system and car park that keeps unfamiliar vehicles at a distance. 6.Install locks on windows and doors, Closed Circuit TV, alarms and lighting according to circumstances. 7.Consider setting up a mailroom away from your main premises and train staff for a crisis. 8.Follow up staff references. 9.Ensure a reputable and reliable IT (Information Technology) service. 10.Plan how you will function if your premises or IT systems are put out of action by an incident. According to the text, terrorism __. A.is threatening USA B.is threatening Great Britain C.is threatening USA and Great Britain D.is threatening outside Great Britain



_____ exactly a year ago, in a small village in Northern India, Andrea Milliner was bit
ten on the leg by a dog. "It must have (2)_____ your nice white flesh", joked the doctor (3)_____ he dressed the wound. Andrea and her husband Nigel were determined not to let it (4)_____ their holiday, and thought no more about the dog, which had meanwhile (5)_____ disappeared from the village.

"We didn't (6)_____ there was anything wrong with it," says Nigel. "It was such a small, (7)_____ dog that rabies didn't (8)_____ my mind". But, six weeks later, 23-year-old Andrea was dead. The dog had been rabid. No one had thought it necessary to (9)_____ her antirabies treatment. When, back home in England, she began to show the classic (10)_____ unable to drink, catching her breath her own doctor put it (11)_____ to hysteria. Even when she was (12)_____ into an (13)_____, hallucinating, recoiling in terror at the sight of water, she was directed (14)_____ the nearest mental hospital.

But if her symptoms (15)_____ little attention in life, in death they achieved a publicity close to hysteria. Cases like Andrea are (16)_____, but rabies is still one of the most feared diseases known to man. The disease is (17)_____ by a bite of a lick from an (18)_____ animal. It can, in very (19)_____ circumstances, be inhaled—two scientists died of it after (20)_____ bat dung in a cave in Texas.







Even the newest gardener realizes that plants die without water; what is not so well known
is that plants die equally decisively, though not so quickly, if they are overwatered. Beginners usually decide to play it safe and keep their potted plants thoroughly wet. In consequence, death by drowning is one of the commonest disasters to befall the plants of a new horticulturist. Plants wither away if they don't get enough water, and this draws attention to their problem. A plant that has been slightly underwatered so that it droops strikes terror into the heart of its new owner. But it will, in fact, recover completely as long as rescue comes in time and the process is not repeated too often. Overwatered plants, unfortunately, do not give any such obvious signal; slowly they cease to thrive and the first visible indication of serious trouble is a yellowing of the lower leaves. Unless the overwatered pot soil is given a considerable period without water, during which time the plant will continue to look wretched, it will suddenly collapse in exactly the same way as the underwatered plant but with no chance of being revived(复活)because the roots have rotted away.

From the text we can infer a horticulturist is person engaged in ______.

A.growing plants

B.raising birds

C.cutting plants

D.studying the death cause of plants



To their ______ , it rained on the day of picnic.A.disappointB.disappointedC.disappointing

To their ______ , it rained on the day of picnic.







It is () that no one feels like working.

A.a so cold day

B.such a cold day

C.such cold a day

D.a such cold day

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