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The major point discussed in the passage is ______.A.the importance of developing writing

The major point discussed in the passage is ______.

A.the importance of developing writing skills

B.the complexities of spelling

C.the correct way of marking compositions

D.the relationship between spelling and the content of a composition

更多“The major point discussed in the passage is ______.A.the importance of developing writing”相关的问题


The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports, each______one major po
int in contrast with the other.



C.is to make




What is the main aim of book review?()
A. analyzing a perspective or argues a point

B.analyzing or discussing researches previously published by others

C. summaries and comments on a newly published academic book

D. summaries, reviews and comments the research trends, the major discoveries, significant findings, the leading opinions on a particular subject.



请将以下国际法专业文献中的术语与段落翻译为中文。 If uniform. rules expand.the whole confl
icts system is trumped.If uniform. rules develop tosuch a point that they become the major source of law,they torpedo conflict of laws.



Which of the following best describes the function of the concluding sentence of the passa

A.It sums up the general points concerning the mechanization of work made in the passage as a whole.

B.It draws a conclusion concerning the effects of the mechanization of work which goes beyond the evidence presented in the passage as a whole.

C.It restates the point concerning technology made in the sentence immediately preceding it.

D.It qualifies the author's agreement with scholars who argue for a major revision in the assessment of the impact of mechanization on society.



从下面提供的答案中选出应填入下列英文语句中______内的正确答案。 Software quality assurance is now an


Software quality assurance is now an(1)sub-discipline of software engineering. As Buckly and Oston point out,(2)software quality assurance is likely to lead to an ultimate(3)of software costs. However, the major hurdle in the path of software management in this area is the lack of(4)software standards. The development of accepted and generally applicable standards should be one ofthe principal goals of(5)in software engineering.



2.从下面提供的答案中选出应填入下列英文语句中______内的正确答案。 Software quality assurance is now a


Software quality assurance is now an(1)sub-discipline of software engineering. As Buckly and Oston point out,(2)software quality assurance is likely to lead to an ultimate(3)of software costs. However, the major hurdle in the path of software management in this area is the lack of(4)software standards. The development of accepted and generally applicable standards should be one ofthe principal goals of(5)in software engineering.



A rapid means of long-distance transportation became a necessity for the United States as
settlement(新拓居地) spread over farther westward. The early trains were impractical curiosities, and for a long time the railroad companies met with troublesome mechanical problems. The most serious ones were the construction of rails able to bear the toad, and the development of a safe, effective stopping system. Once these were solved, the railroad was established as the best means of land transportation. By 1860 there' were thousands of. miles of railroads crossing the eastern mountain ranges and reaching westward to the Mississippi. There were also regional southern and western lines.

The high point in railroad building came with the construction of the first transcontinental sys tem. In 1862 congress authorized two western railroad companies to build lines from Nebraska west ward and from California eastward to a meeting point, so as to complete a transcontinental crossing linking the Atlantic seaboard with the Pacific. The Government helped the railroads generously with money and land. Actual work on this project began four years later. The Central Pacific Company, starting from California, used Chinese labor, while the Union Pacific employed crews of Irish labourers. The two groups worked at remarkable speed, each trying to cover a greater distance than the other. In 1869 they met at a place called Promontory in what is now the state of Utah. Many visitors came there for the great occasion. There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honour the great achievement.

The railroad was very important in encouraging westward movement. It also helped build up industry and farming by moving raw materials and by distributing products rapidly to distant markets. In linking towns and people to one another it helped unify the United States.

The major problems with America' s railroad system in the mid-19th century lay in ______.

A.poor quality rails and unreliable stopping systems

B.lack of financial support for development

C.limited railroad lines

D.lack of a transcontinental railroad



Anyone who has ever attended a university knows that the quality of lecturers varies great
ly. A few are very effective communicators, conveying the substance of their lectures clearly and interestingly and inspiring students to want to know more about the subject. Others produce dull lectures from which the students learn little and which are likely to kill any interest they may have in the subject. Lecturing is a major part of a university lecturer's job and it would seem reasonable that effectiveness in this task should be a major standard in assessing a lecturer for promotion. However, it is very often the case that far more weight is given to such factors as participation in research, number of publications and even performance of administrative duties. My point of view is that a lecturer's lecturing should be regularly evaluated and that the best people to carry out this evaluation are those directly on the receiving end.

It could, of course, be argued that students are not competent to evaluate the academic quality of lectures. If anyone should evaluate lecturers, it should be their colleagues. However, I am not arguing that students should be asked to comment on the academic content of lectures, but to evaluate the effectiveness.

I suspect that many of the objections to student evaluation stem from the fear some lecturers have of being subject to criticism by their students. However, lecturers should see such evaluation as an opportunity to become aware of defects in their lecturing techniques and thus to become better lecturers. Such a system should benefit both students and lecturers as well as help department heads to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their teaching staff.

According to the author, all the students know that ______. ()

A.there are great differences among the lecturers as to their quality of teaching

B.quite a lot of teachers can produce the results students desire

C.they must be inspired to learn

D.it is too dull to attend lectures



Text 3Everyone has heard of the San Andreas fault, which constantly threatens California a

Text 3

Everyone has heard of the San Andreas fault, which constantly threatens California and the West Coast with earth- quakes. But how many people know about the equally serious New Madrid fault in Missouri.'?

Between December of 1811 and February of 1812, three major earthquakes occurred, all centered around the town of New Madrid, Missouri, on the Mississippi River. Property damage was severe.

Buildings in the area were almost dest oyed. Whole forests fell at once, and huge cracks opened in the ground, allowing smell of sulfur to filter upward.

The Mississippi River itself completely changed character, developing sudden rapids and whirlpools. Several times it changed its course, and once, according to some observers, it actually appeared to run backwards. Few people were killed in the New Madrid earthquakes, probably simply because few people lived in the area in 1811; but the severity of the earth- quakes are shown by the fact that the shock waves rang bells in church towers in Charleston, South Carolina, on the coast. Buildings shook in New York City, and clocks were stopped in Washington D.C. Scientists now know that America's two major faults are essentially different. The San Andreas is a horizontal boundary between two major land masses that are slowly moving in opposite directions. California earthquakes result when the movement of these two masses suddenly lurches forward.

The New Madrid fault, on the other hand, is a vertical fault; at some point, possibly hundreds of millions of years ago, rock was pushed up toward the surface, probably by volcanoes under the surface. Suddenly, the volcanoes cooled and the rock collapsed, leaving huge cracks. Even now', the rock continues to settle downwards, and sudden sinking motions trigger earthquakes in the region. The fault itself, a large crack in this layer of rock, with dozens of other cracks that split off from it, extends from northeast Arkansas through Missouri and into southern Illinois.

Scientists who have studied the New Madrid fault say there have been numerous smaller quakes in the area since 1811; these smaller quakes indicate that larger ones are probably coming, but rite scientists say they have no method of predicting when a large earthquake will occur.

31. This passage is mainly about ______.

A) the New Madrid fault in Missouri

B) the San Andreas and the New Madrid faults

C) the causes of faults

D) current scientific knowledge about faults



A rapid means of long-distance transportation became a necessity for the United States as
settlement (新拓居地) spread ever farther westward. The early trains were impractical curiosities, and for a long time the railroad companies met with troublesome mechanical problems. The most serious ones were the construction of rails able to bear the load, and the development of a safe, effective stopping system. Once these were solved, the railroad was established as the best means of land transportation. By 1860 there were thousands of miles of railroads crossing the eastern mountain ranges and reaching westward to the Mississippi. There were also regional southern and western lines.

The high point in railroad building came with the construction of the first transcontinental system. In 1862 Congress authorized two western railroad companies to build lines from Nebraska westward and from California eastward to a meeting point, so as to complete a transcontinental crossing linking the Atlantic seaboard with the Pacific. The Government helped the railroads generously with money and land. Actual work on this project began four years later. The Central Pacific Company, starting from California, used Chinese labor, while the Union Pacific employed crews of Irish laborers. The two groups worked at remarkable speed, each trying to cover a greater distance than the other. In 1869 they met at a place called Promontory in what is now the state of Utah. Many visitors came there for the great occasion. There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honor the great achievement.

The railroad was very important in encouraging westward movement. It also helped build up industry and farming by moving raw materials and by distributing products rapidly to distant markets. In linking towns and people to One another it helped unify the United States.

The major problems with America's railroad system in the mid 19th century lay in ______.

A.poor quality rails and unreliable stopping systems

B.lack of financial support for development

C.limited railroad lines

D.lack of a transcontinental railroad

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