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Computer virus is essentially a program worked out by some real talented man,incautiously or intende

d,who knows?Virus can replicate and spread in the computer system, from machines to machines through variouS media without any direct human intervention.Computer virus is likely to be attached to some executable programs or data files.Once these programs or files are executed,viruses become activated and duplicate themselves.They began to produce destruction,resulting in the loss or alteration of programs or data,more seriously leading to the collapse of the system.
更多“Computer virus is essentially a program worked out by some real talented man,incautiously or intende”相关的问题


A computer virus ______.A.is the same as a biological virusB.is also an organismC.is a ser

A computer virus ______.

A.is the same as a biological virus

B.is also an organism

C.is a series of electronic commands

D.is one of biological viruses



A computer virus is a computer program that is created to make and spread of itself.()







If computer has been affected by virus,you should scan the system and clean out the affectedfiles.


Recently, several thousand computers in the United States were attacked by a virus. The co
mputers were slowed or shut down. But no information was lost. A computer virus is similar to a biological virus--an organism (生物体) that can harm the human body. A computer virus is a series of electronic commands that can harm a computer or the information in the computer. It infects the device (设备) secretly. It tells the computer to do something the computer's owner does not want it to do. For example, a virus could enter a bank's computer system. It might tell the system to destroy all information about money belonging to everyone with the first name United States several months ago. The virus was created by a university student studying computer science. The computers affected by the virus were in major universities, government agencies (政府机关) and private (私人) companies. They were part of a United commands in a computer at his school. The computer sent the commands to other computers through the linked telephone lines.

The virus told each computer to make many copies of itself. Within a few minutes, all the computers' power was being used to make copies of the virus. The computer could do no other work. It finally slowed down greatly, or simply stopped working. Computer experts spent many days trying to destroy the virus in the computer system.

The experts agree the virus could have been much worse. They say it could have sent orders to destroy huge amounts of electronic information.

Many experts believe, the recent computer virus showed the need for better computer security (安全). But that is a problem. The affected system provides a free exchange (交换) of ideas and information among universities, private companies and government offices. Increasing security too much would destroy this exchange. It would slow progress on many important research projects.

Which of the following statements is true?

A.Many computers were attacked by a virus in the U. S.

B.Many computers attacked by a virus in the U.S. lost their information.

C.A computer virus can harm human body.

D.A computer virus can help the computer owner do many things.



The virus can affect the computers in the computer system by ______.A.turning off the powe

The virus can affect the computers in the computer system by ______.

A.turning off the power

B.making them copy itself

C.sending them copies of itself

D.sending them some destructive ordens directly



Computer Security 计算机安全 The techniques developed to protect single computers and network-link

Computer Security


The techniques developed to protect single computers and network-linked computer systems from accidental or intentional harm are called computer security. Such harm includes destruction of computer hardware and software, physical loss of data, and the deliberate invasion of databases by unauthorized individuals.

Data may be protected by such basic methods as locking up terminals and replicating data in other storage facilities. More sophisticated methods include limiting data access by requiring the user to have an encoded card or to supply an identification number or passworD. Such procedures can apply to the computer data system as a whole or may be pinpointed for particular information banks or programs. Data are frequently ranked in computer files according to degree of confidentiality.

Operating systems and programs may also incorporate built in safeguards, and data may be encoded in various ways to prevent unauthorized persons from interpreting or even copying the material. The encoding system most widely used in the United States is the Data Encryption Standard (DES), designed by IBM and approved for use by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in 1976. DES involves a number of basic encrypting procedures that are then repeated several times. Very large scale computer systems, for example, the U. S. military Advanced Research Project Agency Network (ARPANET), may be broken up into smaller subsystems for security purposes, but smaller systems in government and industry are more prone to system-wide invasions. At the level of personal computers, security possibilities are fairly minimal.

Most invasions of computer systems are for international or corporate spying or sabotage, but computer hackers[1]may take the penetration of protected databanks as a challenge, often with no object in mind other than accomplishing a technological feat. Of growing concern is the deliberate implantation in computer programs of worms or viruses[2]that, if undetected, may progressively destroy databases and other software. Such infected programs have appeared in the electronic bulletin boards available to computer users. Other viruses have been incorporated into computer software sold commercially. No real protection is available against such bugs except the vigilance of manufacturer and user.

Anti-Virus Programs to the Rescue

There is a wide range of virus protection products available to combat the 11,000 known viruses that currently plague personal computers. These products range in technology from virus scanners to terminate and stay resident monitors, to integrity checkers to a combination of the three. Each of these techniques has its associated strengths and weaknesses.[3]

The most fundamental question that must be asked when considering and evaluating automated anti-virus tools is "how well does the product protect against the growing virus threat?" When developing a security program, companies must think long term. Not only must you choose a form of protection that can detect and safely eliminate today's varieties, but you must consider tomorrow's gully wash as well.[4]The real challenge lies in securing against the 38,000 new species that are expected to appear within the next two years. The 11,000 known viruses that have been documented to date represent what is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what tomorrow will bring.

Virus Protection Methods

Today there exists three broad based categories of anti-virus techniques: scanners, memory resident monitors (TSRs), and integrity checkers.

Virus Scanners

Virus scanners are programs designed to examine a computer's boot block, system memory, partition table, and executable files,[5]looking for specific code patterns that are typical to known virus strains. Generally, a virus scanner is able to identify a virus by name and indicate where on the hard drive or floppy drive the infection has occurreD. Virus scanners are also able to detect a known virus before it is executeD. Virus scanners do a good job of detecting known viruses. They are generally able to find a virus signature if it is present and will identify the infected file and the virus. Some are faster than others, which is an advantage when checking a hard disk with thousands of files. But virus scanners have several major weaknesses.

First and foremost, scanners are completely ineffective against any virus whose code pattern is not recognizeD. In other words, scanners cannot identify a virus if they don't have a signature for it. Also, many of today's viruses are designed specifically to thwart scanners. These so-called stealth viruses know the correct file size and date for a program (i. e. , what they were before the virus infected them). They will intercept operations that ask for that information and return the pre-infection values, not the actual ones during a disk reaD. Some viruses can mutate slightly so that the original signature will be rendered ineffective against the new strain and can even result in file damage if recovery is based off virus signature assumptions. A new wave in virus authorship is the creation of self mutating viruses. These viruses infect a file in a different way each time, so it cannot be identified by a simple pattern search, rendering virus scanners ineffective.

Secondly, virus scanners are quickly rendered obsolete and require frequent, costly and time-consuming updates—which may be available only after serious damage has been done. The burden of constantly updating virus scanners, even if provided free of charge, can be a huge burden. In a corporate environment, where thousands of personal computers must be protected, simply distributing scanner updates in a timely and efficient manner and making sure they are installed is an enormous task.

I ntegrity Checkers

This is a relatively new approach, compared to scanners and monitors. Integrity checkers incorporate the principle modification detection. This technique safeguards against both known and unknown viruses by making use of complex file signatures and the known state of the computer environment rather than looking for specific virus signatures.

Each file has a unique signature (which is like a fingerprint-a unique identifier for that particular file) in the form of a CRC or a checksum. Changes in any character within the file will probably change the file's checksum. For a virus to spread, it must get into system memory and change some file or executable code.

An integrity checker will fingerprint and register all program files and various system parameters, such as the boot block, partition table, and system memory, storing this information in an on-line database. By recalculating the files checksum and comparing it to the original, integrity checkers can detect file changes that are indicative of a virus infection.

Industry experts agree that integrity checking is currently the only way to contend with tomorrow's growing virus threat. Since this methodology is non-reliant on virus signatures, it offers protection against all potential viruses, today's and tomorrow's.

Additionally, stealth viruses have historically been able to bypass integrity checkers. The only way users can be certain that their computer is 100 percent clean is to boot the system from a clean, DOS based disk and check the integrity of the information stored on this disk with the current state of the hard drive. Called the "Golden Rule" in virus protection, most integrity checkers fail to follow this security principle.

System Administrator

System Administrator, in computer science, is the person responsible for administering Use of a multiuser computer system, communications system, or both. A system administrator performs such duties as assigning user accounts and passwords, establishing security access levels, and allocating storage space, as well as being responsible for other tasks such as watching for unauthorized access and preventing virus or Trojan Horse[6]programs from entering the system. A related term, sysop (system operator), generally applies to a person in charge of a bulletin board system, although the distinction is only that a system administrator is associated with large systems owned by businesses and corporations, whereas a sysop usually administers a smaller, often home- based, system.


Hacker, in computer science, originally, is a computerphile, a person totally engrossed in computer programming and computer technology. In the 1980s, with the advent of personal computers and dial up[7]computer networks, hackers acquired a pejorative connotation, often referring to someone who secretively invades others computers, inspecting or tampering with the programs or data stored on them. (More accurately, though, such a person would be called a cracker.) Hacker also means someone who, beyond mere programming, likes to take apart operating systems and programs to see what makes them tick.


[1]computer hackers:电脑黑客,指非法侵入他人计算机进行浏览或篡改程序或计算机上所存数据的人。

[2]Of growing concern is the deliberate implantation in computer programs of worms or viruses.越来越令人担心的是蓄意地把蠕虫程序或病毒植入计算机程序。

[3]These products range in technology from virus scanners to terminate and stay resident monitors,to integrity checkers to a combination of the three.Each of these techniques has its associated strengths and weaknesses.这些防病毒的产品从技术上有病毒扫描到内存驻留监督程序,从完整性检查到三者的结合程序,每一种有其相关的优点和缺点。

[4]gully wash:gully冲沟,檐槽。此处字面意义是“冲水槽”,可翻译成“但必须从长计议”或“考虑到未来的问题”。

[5]to examine a computer's boot block,system memory,partition table,and executable files:检查计算机的引导块、系统内存、分区表和可执行文件。

[6]Trojan Horse:特洛伊木马,一种欺骗程序。在计算机安全学中,一种计算机程序,表面上或实际上有某种有用功能,而含有附加的(隐藏的)可能利用了调用进程的合法特许来危害系统安全的功能。

[7]dial up:拨号呼叫,访问计算机的一种方法。计算机通过调制解调器连接到电话线路上,拨号上网。

Choose the best answer for each of the following:



The "MyDoom" virus could presage a generation of computer attacks by organised gangs aimin
g to extract ransoms from online businesses, experts said yesterday.

The warning came as the website run by SCO, a company that sells Unix computer software, in effect disappeared from the web under a blizzard of automated attacks from PCs infected by the virus, which first appeared a week ago.

The "myDoom-A" version of the virus is reckoned to be the worst to have hit the internet, in terms of the speed of its spread, with millions of PCs worldwide believed to be infected. Such "zombie" machines begin to send out hundreds of copies of the virus every hour to almost any e-mail address in their files.

On Sunday they began sending automated queries to SCO's website, an attack that will continue until 12 February. The attack is the web equivalent of ringing the company's doorbell and running away a million times a second, leaving its computers unable to deal with standard requests to view its pages.

"You have to wonder about the time limit," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at the antivirus company Sophos. "Someone could go to SCO after the 12th and say, 'If you don't want this to happen again, here are our demands'." Raimund Genes, European president of the security software firm Trend Micro, said: "Such a programme could take out any major website on the internet. It's not terrorism, but it is somebody who is obviously upset with SCO."

SCO has earned the enmity of computer users through a lawsuit it has filed against IBM. SCO claims ownership of computer code it says IBM put into the free operating system Linux, and is demanding licence fees and damages of $1bn.

Mr. Cluley said: "It might be that whoever is behind this will say to SCO, 'if you don't want the next one to target you, drop the lawsuit'." SCO has offered $250,000(£140,000) for information leading to the arrest of the person or people who wrote and distributed MyDoom.

Nell Barrett, of the security company Information Risk Management, said, "I would give a lot of credence to the idea of gangs using viruses to extort money. It's hard for law enforcement to track them down, because they're using machines owned by innocent people."

A second variant of MyDoom will start attacking part of Microsoft's website later today. The antivirus company MessageLabs said it had blocked more than 16 million copies of the virus in transit over the net so far. But millions more will have reached their targets.

The onset of a new generation of computer attacks was marked by ______.

A.an organization of gangs

B.the infection of PCs

C.the sale of a software

D.a website's vanishing



SoBig. F was the more visible of the two recent waves of infection because it propagated i
tself by e-mail, meaning that victims noticed what was going on. SoBig. F was so effective that it caused substantial disruption even to those protected by anti-virus software. That was because so many copies of the virus spread (some 500,000 computers were infected) that many machines were overwhelmed by messages from their own anti-virus software. On top of that, one common counter-measure backfired, increasing traffic still further. Anti-virus software often bounces a warning back to the sender of an infected e-mail, saying that the e-mail in question cannot be delivered because it contains a virus. SoBig. F was able to spoof this system by "harvesting" e-mail addresses from the hard disks of infected computers. Some of these addresses were then sent infected e-mails that had been doctored to look as though they had come from other harvested addresses. The latter were thus sent warnings, even though their machines may not have been infected.

Kevin Haley of Symantec, a firm that makes anti-virus software, thinks that one reason SoBig. F was so much more effective than other viruses that work this way is because it was better at searching hard drives for addresses. Brian King, of CERT, an internet-security centre at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, notes that, unlike its precursors, SoBig. F was capable of "multi-threading", it could send multiple e-mails simultaneously, allowing it to dispatch thousands in minutes.

Blaster worked by creating a "buffer overrun in the remote procedure call". In English, that means it attacked a piece of software used by Microsoft's Windows operating system to allow one computer to control another. It did so by causing that software to use too much memory.

Most worms work by exploiting weaknesses in an operating system, but whoever wrote Blaster had a particularly refined sense of humour, since the website under attack was the one from which users could obtain a program to fix the very weakness in Windows that the worm itself was exploiting.

One Way to deal with a wicked worm like Blaster is to design a fairy godmother worm that goes around repairing vulnerable machines automatically. In the case of Blaster someone seems to have tried exactly that with a program called Welchi. However, according to Mr. Haley, Welchi has caused almost as many problems as Blaster itself, by overwhelming networks with "pings" signals that checked for the presence of other computers.

Though both of these programs fell short of the apparent objectives of their authors, they still caused damage. For instance, they forced the shutdown of a number of computer networks, including the one used by the New York Times newsroom, and the one organising trains operated by CSX, a freight company on America's east coast. Computer scientists expect that it is only a matter of time before a truly devastating virus is unleashed.

SoBig. F damaged computer programs mainly by ______.

A.sending them an overpowering number of messages

B.harvesting the addresses stored in the computers

C.infecting the computers with an invisible virus

D.destroying the anti-virus software of the computers



Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

At an office in Hampton, Virginia, in the east of the United States, a team of ten net savvy workers sources the web for sexual content, from basic sex education to sex acts. This "quality assurance" team is making sure that the blocking component of Symantec's Norton Internet Security 2000 computer program remains effective. This is because there is widespread parental concern about blocking websites with sexual content from children.

Website blocking is nothing new—services like Net Nanny and programs like Cyber Patrol and Guard Dog have been around for a few years now, protecting children and reassuring parents that only wholesome websites are accessed by the youngsters. Net Nanny and Cyber Patrol will prevent access to any questionable sites when the program is in place,

Now Symantec says it has created a new category in consumer software with a package that combines website blocking with a "firewall", protecting your computer from hackers and viruses, as well as preventing careless disclosure of personal data. In short, Norton Internet Security, as the program is called, is designed to serve as the guardian of your digital health, keeping the bad things out and the private things in.

The Symantec program can be configured in many ways, the website blocking, for example, can be set to be either selectively permissive or total in its banning of websites, or switched off entirely. Also, Symantec's list of no-go areas, which on the CD now stand at around 36,000 addressed, is not confined to sex sites. The team in Virginia is also on the lookout for sites advocating drags, or which contain references to violence or gambling, and keeps a watch on chat rooms, e-mail services, entertainment portals—even job search and financial pages. These sites can be blocked by the program.

Computer users can also refresh the address list online with the Live update feature which is used by Norton Anti-Virus (which is bundled with NIS) to load the latest virus definitions. This service is free for the first year but, including virus definition updates; it costs $19.95 a year there-after.

The system is not perfect, however. Limited testing found the blocking of some "questionable" sites was not comprehensive. Trying to get access to a well-known US site such as Playboy results in an immediate blocking message with a standard invitation to report an "incorrectly categorized" site. By contrast, you could find in other countries such as New Zealand a sex site which declared itself to be "dedicated to providing sexual material, imaged, and anything a little bit unusual for sex enthusiasts all over the country.

What do we know from the first paragraph?

A.The net savvy workers are interested in searching the web for sexual content.

B.Parents want the workers to make sure that the blocking component works.

C.Parents across the world don't want the sexual websites to be blocked.

D.Parents across the world worry that their children might get hurt by some websites.



According to the passage, the NIS programA.is always free, so are the virus updates.B.is f

According to the passage, the NIS program

A.is always free, so are the virus updates.

B.is free, but the virus updates cost $19.95.

C.costs $19.95 including the virus updates.

D.costs $19.95 excluding the virus updates.

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